Festive Christmas cupcake toppers are fun and easy to create using Nutter Butter cookies!

I’m sure you’ve seen creatively transformed Nutter Butters all over Pinterest, so I’m not sure to whom I should give credit for having inspired these ideas. I know they’ve been done before in some way, shape, or form…but these are my takes on them. So bake up a batch of your favorite cupcakes (I used this recipe — the best-ever quick, from-scratch vanilla cupcakes!) and let’s get started, shall we?
(No printable recipe today, folks…I think the photos plus some quick descriptions are all that you’ll need!)
I started out by dipping this guy in some melted white almond bark-type candy coating. Then I pressed him into sweetened, shredded coconut that I’d first given a whir in the food processor. The food processor step probably isn’t necessary, but I wanted my coconut to have a finer texture. I used additional almond bark to adhere some mini chocolate chip eyes, mini M&M buttons, and a scarf cut out of a Twizzler. Then I frosted my cupcake, dipped the frosting in coconut, stuck a toothpick in the bottom of my snowman, and centered him on the top of the cupcake. Cute, isn’t he???
For this guy, I opened up the Nutter Butter and used some melted almond bark to adhere the pretzel twist antlers in place and then to hold the two sides of the cookie back together. I used additional almond bark to affix some candy eyes and a red M&M nose. Feel free to use whatever red candy you happen to have on hand, and halved mini marshmallows with mini chocolate chip centers could also be used as eyes. A toothpick stuck in the bottom, and he was ready to adorn a lucky cupcake!
I dipped the top portion of the Nutter Butter in melted almond bark and then in red sparkling sugar, leaving a rim of white for the edge of the hat. I dipped the bottom part of the cookie in almond bark as well, but that part I covered in more coconut to give texture to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick’s beard. Then I used a bit more almond bark to adhere candy eyes, a teeny, tiny Twizzler mouth, and a mini marshmallow pom pom on the top of his red hat.
And if his eyes look somewhat large in proportion to the rest of his face, that’s because he sees you when you’re sleeping.

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