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24 Times The World Was Almost Too Damn Clever

1. This elevator you can operate with your feet if your hands are full.

This elevator you can operate with your feet if your hands are full.

2. This great method of showing you what buildings looked liked before they were ruined.

This great method of showing you what buildings looked liked before they were ruined.

3. This Dali-inspired latte art.

This Dali-inspired latte art.

4. These baskets that let the staff know whether the customers want help or not.

These baskets that let the staff know whether the customers want help or not.

5. This DVD case that’s almost too clever for its own good.

This DVD case that's almost too clever for its own good.

6. This multifunctional spork that comes with a toothpick in the handle.

This multifunctional spork that comes with a toothpick in the handle.

7. This unique “doorbell”.

This unique "doorbell".

8. Not to mention this guitar shop.

Not to mention this guitar shop.

9. This bench that changes to suit your needs.

This bench that changes to suit your needs.

10. This British roadsign.

This British roadsign.

11. This clever warning.

This clever warning.

12. The kid who decided to hedge their bets.

The kid who decided to hedge their bets.

13. The door in this Alzheimer’s ward designed like a bookcase to try and stop patients from walking out.

The door in this Alzheimer's ward designed like a bookcase to try and stop patients from walking out.

14. This picnic bench that has seating for small children, for adults, and a high chair.

This picnic bench that has seating for small children, for adults, and a high chair.

15. This tyre that displays this message once it’s been worn down.

This tyre that displays this message once it's been worn down.

16. These chopsticks that take the pressure off.

These chopsticks that take the pressure off.

17. These instant noodles that come with an inbuilt strainer.

These instant noodles that come with an inbuilt strainer.

18. This café that just moves the “N” when it’s open.

This café that just moves the "N" when it's open.

19. This car park that just bought a load of the same signs, and flipped them depending on their need.

This car park that just bought a load of the same signs, and flipped them depending on their need.

20. This church’s approach to renewable energy.

This church's approach to renewable energy.

21. This label that tells you when the time is right to eat your mango.

This label that tells you when the time is right to eat your mango.

22. This bike stand that has a pump attached to it.

This bike stand that has a pump attached to it.

23. The logo for these peanuts.

The logo for these peanuts.

24. And this kid who did exactly as they were asked.

And this kid who did exactly as they were asked.
