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Scientists Make Incredible Discovery Inside Great Pyramids Of Giza

 The Great Pyramid of Giza was built thousands of years ago, around 2500 BC, and is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 

Despite years and years of research, its properties and mysteries still fascinate scientists, who are discovering new things about it all the time.

The Pyramid, which stands at 481 feet tall, was built for Pharaoh Khufu, and as a result was also believed to contain mythical qualities and ancient secrets. However, scientists are now also trying to ascertain its physical properties too.
The latest discovery is no different, as researchers have found that the Egyptian Pyramid can concentrate electric and magnetic energy in its chambers and below its base, creating pockets of higher energy within its walls.

Dr Andrey Evlyukhin, scientific supervisor and coordinator of the research, said:
Egyptian pyramids have always attracted great attention. We as scientists were interested in them as well, so we decided to look at the Great Pyramid as a particle dissipating radio waves resonantly.
Makes total sense, right? I know you all understand, but just for the sake of clarity, what that means is the researchers, from ITMO University, were checking out the electromagnetic energy in the Pyramid’s hidden chambers, including where the Pharaoh’s remains are.
They found that, for some reason, the Pyramid seems to be able to concentrate electromagnetic energy inside its hidden chambers.

Again, just for clarity, according to ScienceStuck, electromagnetic energy is:
The energy source required to transmit information (in the form of waves) from one place (material) to another. This information can be in the form of light, heat, or in any other form.
The researchers said:

The electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers […] It is shown that basically the Pyramid scatters the electromagnetic waves and focuses them in to the substrate [underground] region.
The discovery, however, goes beyond understanding the secrets of the Pyramids. Researchers believe the way electromagnetic energy distributes in the structure could help create efficient nanoparticle designs, reports the Daily Mail.
Polina Kapitainova, a member of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of ITMO University, said:
Choosing a material with suitable electromagnetic properties, we can obtain pyramidal nanoparticles with a promise for practical application in nanosensors and effective solar cells.
Last year, thermal scanning unearthed a major anomaly in the Great Pyramid. The scans revealed three huge adjacent stones at its base, which registered higher temperatures than those around them.
inside the pyramidPA
This led to theories that they may be hiding another secret chamber that had not yet been discovered.
Over 4,000 years since their creation, discoveries about the Pyramids are still being made. Just last year a huge void was found in the centre of the Great Pyramid above its internal Grand Gallery – a massive hall between two chambers.
This discovery was made thanks to the use of cosmic-ray imaging, which allows the researchers to scan deep into the pyramid to get to the bottom of just what is inside.
There is also a third, unfinished chamber beneath the base of the huge structure.
And the team’s analysis shows that the powerful pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers.
These hidden rooms include the chamber holding the mummified body of Pharaoh Khufu – who the iconic monument was built for – and another built for his wife.
But scientists believe the unusual discovery about the electromagnetic energy in the pyramid are just a coincidence.
They believe it is highly unlikely Ancient Egyptians knew anything about the science behind it and would not have built it in this way deliberately.
