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30 Woman Yelling at a Cat Memes That Still Slap in 2020

  The extremely popular Woman Yelling at a Cat meme features a screencap of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast members Taylor Armstrong and Kyle Richards combined with a picture of a white cat snarling 

behind a plate of vegetables. It was easily the most popular meme of 2019 and even became the subject of many works of art. The cat, whose real name is Smudge Lord, has become a celebrity itself with a huge instagram following.

But what is the cat meme, exactly, and how did it become so popular? Well, firstly, the meme's virality is due to simple happenstance, of course. The images had each been used individually as memes themselves—and both have separate origins—but once put together, they became magic.

So if—like we were—you're wondering how this all came about, we've broken it down for you, finding some of the internet's best examples, and even talking to the woman in question, Taylor Armstrong. Here's everything we know about the woman yelling at a cat meme you're seeing all over your social media feeds.

Alright, where did this "woman yelling at a cat" meme start?
The human half of the meme finds its origins from a 2011 episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, where then-cast member Taylor Armstrong found herself in an emotional confrontation with Camille Grammer, as fellow housewife Kyle Richards attempts to calm her down.

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"During the screaming scene, I was truly terrified for my life and my safety. When I look back now, that life seems like someone else’s," Armstrong tells "I have healed and grown so much stronger since that moment and am in such a happy place with my husband and daughter. I never imagined of all my TV moments, that would be the one to become a 'meme' sensation."

While this may be a way to heal from a painful experience, Armstrong understands why she's prime for memeable moments and GIFs. "I think I am easily meme-able because I can be very animated, especially when I am upset! There is quite a bit of Housewives content of me screaming, crying, eye rolling and laughing to choose from. I guess I created the Taylor gallery for memers to use and create."

As for the other half of the meme starring the angry white cat, its origins began on Tumblr, when user deadbefordeath posted a photograph of a white cat with a bewildered expression sitting in a chair in front of a plate of vegetables. The caption back then was: "he no like vegetals."

