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20 Cool Dads Who Are Sweeter Than Honey

 Fatherhood is just as tough as motherhood. Though, dads don’t lose heart and, together with moms, do an amazing job in the whole upbringing process. They protect and support their little ones from the very first day, watch them grow, bloom, and graduate — sometimes they even can’t hold back the tears of love and joy. And we can’t hold back our smiles of tenderness!

1. He took his daughter to his graduation and 18 years later he proudly accompanied his daughter at her graduation.

2. Kids always come first under any circumstances.

3. Father and son having a nice time together, 30 years apart.

4. “At the last minute my wedding photographer suggested I do first look photos with my dad. I think his reaction shows how lucky I am to have him as my father.”

5. “My brother was the first to graduate with a Master’s in my family. My dad couldn’t stop crying.”

6. “My dad passed away when I was 16 from cancer and before he died he pre-payed for flowers so I could receive them every year on my birthday until I turned 21. This is my 21st birthday flowers and the last ones.”

7. Father and daughter, growing up together

8. He tattooed it because his daughter passed away and it was the last thing she gave him before the accident.

9. “My significant other holding our identical twin girls, born premature at 30 weeks, together for the first time.”

10. Her dad took time from his job to go to her classroom and drop off flowers for her.

11. Dad helps his little girl to spin a hula hoop. Look how proud she is!

12. Her school discovered she was undocumented and her scholarship & in-state tuition were taken away. Her dad supported her all these years, and she finally graduated.

